Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is not right. Fleeting pain is normal when we experience minor injuries, but chronic pain needs to be addressed by a doctor. If constant and excruciating pain is preventing you from performing your day-to-day activities and living your life as you like, our pain management specialists can diagnose the cause and recommend a treatment plan that can help you find relief.

At TOPS Surgical Specialty Hospital, our pain management specialists use the latest diagnostic testing technology and years of experience to understand the causes of and treat conditions that lead to chronic pain.

Diagnostics that help us pinpoint the cause

Evaluating and diagnosing chronic pain can be difficult. You might be experiencing chronic neuropathic pain, inflammatory pain, functional pain, or even nociceptive pain. Referred and radiating pain can also be highly challenging to detect.

At TOPS Surgical Specialty Hospital, we’re equipped with the latest technology to help us pinpoint the root cause of your condition. Our pain management specialists use CT scans, MRI machines, bone scans, nerve blocks, and myelograms to locate the pain and identify its cause.

Moreover, we use the latest physiotherapy machines and nerve and muscle stimulators to target your chronic pain site.

Our pain management specialists in Houston understand pain

Some of the Houston area’s best pain specialists call TOPS Surgical Specialty Hospital home. They have years of experience helping patients who suffer from chronic pain find relief and recover from their conditions. Besides our pain management specialists, we have orthopedic specialists who can address underlying musculoskeletal conditions that may be causing the pain. We also have a network of physical therapists and occupational therapists to whom we can refer you to help you restore strength and mobility.

We accept most medical insurance plans.

Pain management and therapy can be costly. This is why we work with some of the major insurance companies and accept medical insurance plans from our patients. You can also sign up for our financial programs and learn more about our financial assistance offers through our Patient Center.

At TOPS Surgical Specialty Hospital, we have the pain management specialists you need to help you find relief. If you suffer from chronic pain, see a doctor. You can find one on the list below and schedule an appointment with their office directly.