Hip bone damage can limit your daily activities and prevent you from resuming a healthy lifestyle. Your doctor may recommend you to undergo a hip replacement surgical procedure if:
Your hip surgery procedure can last anywhere between 2 to 3 hours. You will be asked to change into a hospital gown and transported into the OR. The anesthesiologist will administer a general anesthetic to numb your lower or whole body.
After the anesthesia has taken effect, the surgeons will begin the procedure on your hip joint. They will make an incision and work to remove damaged bone tissue from the hip region. Once the damaged socket has been completely removed, doctors will secure a new prosthetic socket in place.
Depending upon your doctor’s recommendation, surgeons may also need to replace the ball on top of your femur joint with a prosthetic ball. After the replacement has been completed, your doctor will close the incision and cover it with a sterile bandage to prevent any bleeding.
After a successful hip replacement surgery, you will be required to wear a compression stocking to prevent blood clot formation in the legs. You can walk and move with the help of crutches or walkers and will be required to meet with a physical therapist.
The therapist will likely plan out a few exercises targeted at improving your hip mobility and bone strength.
Your doctor can schedule your orthopedic surgical procedures at TOPS Surgical Specialty Hospital. Our surgical facility is equipped with the latest technology and a caring staff who have years of experience with hip and other orthopedic surgery procedures. Whether you need a medical diagnostics procedure or your doctor recommends surgery, TOPS Surgical Specialty Hospital has worked with Houston’s top physician specialists for years.
You can get in touch with our healthcare staff and learn more about our exceptional surgical facility. You can also find a list of our qualified surgeons who specialize in hip pain as well as other orthopedic conditions. Below, you can find a physician that’s right for you.