• June 7, 2023

Keeping Your Breasts Healthy: The Ultimate Breast Health Checklist

Women of all ages experience breast health problems and concerns for various reasons. From the onset of puberty to the later stages of life, the female body undergoes a series of hormonal changes that can affect the breasts. Young girls may encounter issues like breast development asymmetry or benign lumps caused by hormonal fluctuations.

During the reproductive years, women face challenges such as cyclic breast pain, fibrocystic breast changes, and the risk of developing breast cancer. As women age, they become more susceptible to conditions like breast sagging, breast infections, and the possibility of developing benign or malignant tumors.

Here is a breast health checklist that we hope you find helpful in your health and well-being journey:

Perform breast self-examinations regularly

Every woman needs to perform regular breast self-exams. They are one of the most effective and useful tools for breast health and early intervention and management, allowing you to familiarize yourself with your breasts.

Self-exams will help you learn the shape, size, density, and form of your breasts, and allow you to track any changes or abnormal growths, such as lumps and cysts. There may also be other indicators that something is wrong, such as new nipple inversion, fluid leaking, tenderness, scarring, and more—all of which can be detected during self-exams.

Exercise and eat well to maintain a healthy body weight

Unsurprisingly, eating well and exercising are crucial for maintaining optimal breast health and minimizing the chances of developing breast cancer. Exercise and diet not only prevent toxins from building up in your system, but they also keep your body weight in a healthy range. Adipose fat releases higher amounts of estrogen, which is associated with different types of cancer, and keeping your body healthy helps prevent that.

A breast cancer survivor talking with a friend while enjoying coffee.

Cut out harmful habits like smoking and drinking

We already knew how harmful smoking was for breast health and overall wellness, but now alcohol is in the mix too. It’s been shown to be one of the leading causes of breast cancer, affecting many bodily functions and increasing your chances of developing this disease. That’s why it’s essential to limit your alcohol consumption and cut out smoking altogether for long-term wellness.

Know your risk and schedule yearly mammograms

You should know your risk, especially if you’re over 40 or have a family history of breast cancer. Schedule yearly mammograms, professional checkups, and other appointments to rule out any issues.

Take care of your breast health at our specialty hospital in Houston, Texas. You’ll find some of the leading breast health physicians here to help you with both screening and diagnosis, as well as breast cancer treatment. Visit our Comprehensive Breast Center to learn more about our services and specializations, find a physician for your requirements, and schedule an appointment today.

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