• September 6, 2022

Pain Management Techniques You Should Know About

We’ve all experienced some sort of physical pain at some point. Fleeting pain occurs due to minor injuries, physical activities, or medical procedures and it resolves shortly. However, you need to consult a pain management specialist if the pain that you’re experiencing is severe, is long term, and is preventing you from engaging in your usual activities.

Here are a few common pain management treatments used to resolve chronic or severe pain.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is among the most common pain management techniques used for relieving musculoskeletal pain. It comprises various stretching exercises and physical techniques for moving the muscles and joints, helping individuals experience pain relief and regain mobility and flexibility.

Physical therapy is often conducted alongside occupational therapy to restore a person’s ability to perform their daily activities in ways that don’t trigger or aggravate pain.


Acupuncture involves a practitioner applying thin needles to the skin at precise points on the body.

Acupuncture is an ancient pain management technique used in holistic and alternative medicine. It typically provides short-term pain relief and is especially used for alleviating lower back, knee, neck, and shoulder pain.

The method involves inserting thin, long needles at target points to release the tension in knotted muscles. The process helps the muscles relax, reducing inflammation and muscle spasms. Acupuncture is typically combined with other pain management treatments.

Mind-Body Techniques

Pain management specialists use mind-body techniques such as breathing exercises and meditation to relieve physical pain. These techniques help individuals establish a sense of control over their bodies, improving concentration, joint function, and mobility.

Physical therapist working with patient

Mind-body techniques also help reduce the negative effects of physical pain on mental health. They help individuals become more aware of their surroundings and have greater control over how they perceive things.

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation Therapy

Also known as TENS therapy, this method uses low-voltage electrical currents to prompt a response among patients. Electrical currents are passed through the skin using electrodes, targeting specific areas where the person experiences pain.

While more evidence is required on the use of TENS therapy as a stand-alone pain relief treatment, the method has been proven as an effective pain management strategy.

At TOPS Surgical Specialty Hospital, our pain management specialists can accurately diagnose and treat chronic pain caused by a number of conditions. We use advanced diagnostic tools to determine the root cause and develop personalized pain management treatments.

Visit our website today for more details about our specialty hospital and to find the right pain management specialist near you.



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